
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

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The achievements stem cell therapy has made to date in the treatment of diabetes are monumental. This article describes the different ways of producing pancreatic islets using different types of stem cells. In the future, it could lead to an effective and efficient cure for diabetes using these stem cell technologies. What is Diabetes? Diabetes […]

Stem Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Diseases

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In cardiovascular medicine, regenerative therapies are of great importance. Most cardiovascular disorders, including ischemic heart disease and cardiomyopathy, are associated with the loss of functioning cardiomyocytes. The heart has a deficient regenerative capacity and cannot replace the cardiomyocytes once they are lost. Promising results were observed for heart regeneration when stem cell-derived cardiac cells were […]

Stem Cell Therapy for Ortho Arthritis: Everything You Need to Know

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Stem cell therapy is nothing short of a next-generation medical intervention that can change the lives of millions of people across the world. India is slowly rising as a pioneer in regenerative therapy research, and stem cell therapy for ortho arthritis is a revolution that is becoming a reality in the country. Stem cell therapy […]

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