
Fight against Adult T leukemia\ Lymphoma with the help of Stem Cell Transplant

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc, damage the healthy cells required by the body. The cell’s population deterioration leads to severe damage to the success rate of such therapies. To avoid relapsing and declination of the immune system, Stem Cell transplant is reported to be encouraged. The result of Stem Cell transplant shows that the success rate hits up to 60.7% while only 39.3% remain in relapsed cases. 

The article covers the following topic:- leukemia introduction, Stem cell transplant for treatment of Leukemia, benefits of transplant,  types of transplant, complications, and how to be a stem cell donor. The average cost of the transplant, Nov 2019; NCBI.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/.]

Topics:- Leukemia therapy with stem cell transplant, advantages of transplant, different types of transplant, side effects, and how to become a stem cell donor. the typical transplant price.

Stem cell transplant for leukemia treatment, benefits of transplant, transplant types, complications, and how to become a stem cell donor. The transplant’s average cost.

Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells and bone marrow, which means it results in excessive growth of white blood cells. The mutation in the bone marrow cells causes dysfunctionality and under-development of the body. While leukemia cases are approximated to be 3.4% of the total cancer cases, the success percentage of the treatment of the same has also increased. The general treatments for leukemia are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a set of these based on the type and stage of cancer. These treatments require further medication to improve the immune system deteriorated during the period and sometimes even end up with destroying the healthy blood cells.

The world is bestowed with a profound technique, namely, Stem Cell therapy or Stem Cell Transplant which helps in restoring your immune system and curing the disease at once. Stem cells are a kind of special cell possessing the ability to develop into any kind of cell as required, these are being frequently used to replace the cancer cells with healthy ones. The source of the stem cells is either from Adult body tissues or Embryo cells. 

Stem cell therapy stimulates the growth of new bone marrow cells which results in the repopulation of healthy blood cells and replenishing the body’s self-defense. There are two types of stem cell transplants, namely.

  • Autologous Stem Cell Transplant 
  • Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant

Autologous transplant– This transplant involves the extraction of stem cells from the patient’s blood or bone marrow during the most stable condition of the patient. If extraction from bone marrow is to be avoided then stem cells from the bone marrow are pushed out to the bloodstream. The stem cells are collected by passing all the blood through an apheresis machine that draws out stem cells from the blood and returns the rest of the blood.  Further, these are harvested, frozen, and preserved until ready to be infused back into the patient’s body. This transplant can only be pursued if the patient is not suffering from any fatal condition. 

Allogeneic transplant- The transplantation involves infusing stem cells, extracted from a donor who is genetically matched with the patient. Usually, the donor may be a sibling or any blood-related person, just in case no one is available then, the nearest genetically equivalent person can also donate to the patient. Though this transplant is quite preferable around the world, still there might occur many complications in case the donor is mismatched. 

It is very important to be well aware of the fact that the person must be physically fit enough before going through the transplant. The procedure takes a longer period and nine different stages which are as follows:-

  • Planning
  • “Work ” Pre-Transplant
  • Conditioning therapy and TBI
  • Transplantation
  • Pre-Engraftment
  • Post-transplant complications(if any)
  • Discharging from hospital
  •  Side-effects resolution (if any)
  • Recuperation

These nine stages remain the same for both transplants. The whole treatment comprises recovery from any relapse if any, ensuring rehabilitation. 

The average cost of an Autologous transplant is $10,000 to $39,796 and for an Allogenic transplant, it lies between $10,832 to $44,701. (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc. July 1, 2014)

Are you interested in being a stem cell donor? Stem cell donation is life-saving for many people across the world. The deed is quite appreciable and has to be encouraged more. The volunteers can approach any health center for the stem cell donation, the extraction takes place from these three sources:- 1. Bone Marrow, 2.Peripheral Stem Cells, 3. Umbilical cord blood. The donated stem cells can also be used for autologous transplant if needed at any stage of life.

Stem cell transplants also require emotional and physical stability, so consultancy before going for the treatment is highly recommended. Choosing the right transplant for you is also necessary based on age and physique. 

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